Mineralogical study of the saline sedimentation core drilled from western Qaidam basin by the scientific group led by Prof. Fang Xiaomin made breakthroughs recently. Chemical identification to the sediment found rich varieties of minerals including lime plaster, sodium sulphate, glauberite, thenardite, astrakanite, and rock salt, all of which could be used for the study of regional environment and natural resources.
As different minerals and mineralogical compositions were formed under different evolution phases, therefore can be used to indicate cold-warm transition in arid environment, the discovery of these minerals and their lamination structure may shed light on the warm wet-cold dry climate transition of the region in the past.
Meanwhile, the large variety of minerals identified in the sedimentation core also suggested the western Qaidam as a potential base for mineral resources. These saline minerals are not only important industrial materials, but also of significant medical values, thus conducive to social and economic development if properly tapped.