Invited by LCPU Prof. ZHAO Junmeng, Dr. Yingcai Zheng of Massachusetts Institute of Technology is visiting ITP and sharing his research with ITP scientific staff next Tuesday.
Report: Imaging random heterogeneities in the Earth
Presenter: Dr. Yingcai Zheng
Venue: meeting room on the second floor of ITP office building, Beijing
Time: 8.30-10.00 am, Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Earth is heterogeneous at all length scales. Deterministic seismic tomography reveals mainly large-scale heterogeneities whose sizes are on the order of a few hundred to a few thousand km. I will talk about a statistical method that can provide interesting information on small to moderate scales (on the order of 10s km) that are comparable to scales of the recycled materials. The method is based on spatial correlation of log-amplitude and phase fluctuations observed using a seismic array. I will discuss the relation between this statistic approach to the deterministic tomography and the effect of small-scale heterogeneities on some global seismological observations.